A picture is worth a thousand words
Images are arguably the most shared content format on social. The reason for the rise of visual platforms - Instagram & Pinterest, along with the volume of image content on Facebook, Twitter etc. are driven by the fact that images capture more information and require less time for humans to process.
Apart from social media, image analytics is being tested across industries from monitoring shelf space, personalized marketing, assessing the freshness of food and so on. Image analytics is still an evolving competence, with the implementation and use cases for image analytics growing. Businesses are still finding ways to overcome the technical challenges to drive competitive advantage by utilizing the hidden data in images that were not available before. Image data though hold some very sensitive information and ethics and privacy must be in place before taking up an image analytics problem.
Write to us and explore how we would solve the business problem you have using a data-driven approach with a measurable return on investment.
Our Services

Object detection
Object detection in images is the intuitive and the easiest use case that a business can delve into. The object detection algorithms should be fast, scalable and accurate to extract insights related to some of the following questions for different industries:
- Assisting diagnosis, image guided interventions and recognizing diagnostic patterns in medical images
- Identifying similar items for product recommendations
- Identifying defects in products during the manufacturing process
- Identifying objects of interests in popular social posts and news articles

Face detection
Face detection is about identifying the person(s) in an image. The accuracy of face detection algorithms is improving by the day. The application of face detection has varied use cases across industries and can be used, and not limited to:
- Remote verification applications by matching images on government ids and a live screen capture
- Identifying people in social media posts and news items
- Touchless attendance systems and accessibility automation
- Skin and hair type detection for personalized recommendations of hair and skin care products

Emotion Detection
Humans might be the masters of their thought, but are slaves of their emotions. Artificial Intelligence algorithms enable measuring the basic emotions depicted in images. Emotions, if detected with a degree of accuracy can provide valuable inputs on:
- Candidate’s facial expressions to capture their moods and personality traits in a recruitment process
- Observe shopper’s reaction while interacting with a brand or product
- Response to a video or a movie in the media and entertainment industry
- Engagement levels of participants in a conference or a webinar – by specific talks and topics

Image classification
Image classification allows businesses interpret what is in an image and categorize them using machine learning and AI algorithms. The goal of image classification and segmentation is to represent images into a meaningful groups that could generate valuable business insights like:
- Detect crops under cultivation, identify the diseases and pests from the images of the crop leaves and recommend solutions
- Enable similar product search i.e. users can upload the image of a product they they like on eCommerce platforms and find same or similar products
- Identify most popular tourist spots and activities within a city, a museum or other public places
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